Diocesan Clerical Changes

Fr. Richard Sheehy, Moderator of our Grouping of Parishes, based in Glasnevin is being moved to Brackenstown, Swords. Fr. Kieran Dunne will be coming to Glasnevin as curate.  Fr. Joseph Ryan (Ballygall) has been appointed as  Moderator of the Glasnevin Grouping of Parishes. In neighbouring Finglas, Fr. Richard Hyland is being appointed as PP of the three parishes: St. Canice’s, Rivermount and Finglas West. Fr. Martin Hogan comes as curate and Fr. Eamon Cahill retires but continues as Team assistant. All moves take place in mid-July.  

Synod – Feedback

The Synod team are pleased to present to parishioners feedback from the two Synodal gatherings that were held in March, in our parish.

The word ‘synodal’ means journeying together and these gatherings were an opportunity to share and listen to each other’s experience of Church, in an organised, gentle and prayerful environment.

Read the feedback here.

Week of Prayer to the Holy Spirit

A Week of Prayer to the Holy Spirit for the renewal of the Church in Dublin begins next Sunday May 29 to June 6 – Ascension Sunday through Pentecost to the Feast of Mary, Mother of the Church.

As preparation for this you are invited on Monday, May 23, at 8.30pm to get a flavour of the prayer resources that will be available by connecting to the Red Nuns webcam. The Sisters of the Monastery of St Alphonsus will lead the prayerful reflections with a bonus offering of music from the Dublin Diocesan Music Group.

If you can’t make it for the live presentation, check out the recordings section of the monastery website afterwards, where you will find the resource.

A copy of the prayer booklet is available here.

Holy Week Schedule 2022

Palm Sunday
Vigil Mass Saturday 6.30pm, Sunday 10.00am & 11.30am
As we begin holy week with the joyful welcome of Palm Sunday we are invited to bring home blessed palm as a reminder of the welcome we give Our Lord into our hearts.

On Wednesday we celebrate the Lord’s mercy and forgiveness with our Penance Service with the Franciscans at 7.30pm. This helps us prepare for the Easter Triduum, one long celebration from Thursday through to Saturday.

On Holy Thursday we celebrate the institution of the Eucharist at 7.30pm.

On Good Friday we listen to the passion of Jesus and venerate the cross at 3pm.
Also, on Good Friday a day of fast and abstinence, here in Ballygall we will have the Stations of the Cross at 7 30pm. As a grouping of parishes we will have an outdoor way of the cross beginning in The Margaret Aylward centre at 12 noon.

The Triduum concludes with the Mass of the Resurrection on Holy Saturday at 8.30pm.

We invite you to all or some of these celebrations as they form the centre of our faith journey.

Easter Sunday Masses at 10.00am and 11.30 am.

7.25 a.m. Mass

The 7.25 a.m. Mass began on Ash Wednesday and our thanks to those who have spread the word to others from the surrounding parishes about the Mass. It is very encouraging to see many of you come to this early Mass and then head off to work. The 10 a.m. Mass continues as normal and likewise it is encouraging to see extra faces doing something extra this Lent.

Synod – An Invitation

You are warmly invited to two Synodal gatherings in March, in the parish of Ballygall
The word ‘synodal’means journeying together and these gatherings will be an opportunity to share and listen to each other’s experience of Church, in an organised, gentle and prayerful environment.

For full details click here.

Relaxation of Covid-19 Restrictions

As part of our steps in relaxing COVID restrictions we are hoping to bring in some changes in our gathering for Eucharist.

The first notable change will begin from Monday 21st February when the procession for Holy Communion will resume once more. We ask that people when coming forward for Holy Communion will keep a distance of 1 metre to ensure safe reception of communion. Holy Communion will continue to be distributed only on the hand for the moment.

We are still not permitted to provide Holy Water on the way in to church.

Hand sanitising and face covering are still required. The seats will no longer be sanitised after Mass. This means that the need for hand sanitising both entering and exiting is even greater.

Seating will continue to be limited to every second row.

At the weekend Masses the stewards will continue with the collections as currently are being done.

For Lent it is our intention to resume the 7.25am Mass.

We are awaiting clarification on the distribution of ashes for Ash Wednesday. 

Covid-19 – Update on church procedures

Although the Government has issued certain guidelines we have been urged to keep in place social distancing in light of the still highly contagious nature of the virus. We are slowly introducing gentle changes over the next few weeks. We will still be continuing the seating system that is in place enabling people to gather safely in the church. After all Masses the church continues to be sanitised.

We are asked to sanitise our hands on the way in and out of church and to wear our masks for the short term. The Sign of Peace a and Offertory procession are still to be omitted and we are asked to continue to receive Holy Communion on the hand. You are invited to join us online in particular if experiencing Covid-like symptoms or are close contacts with others who may have contracted the virus.

The only change that will be evident is during private prayer during the day. The barriers are being extended and people are encouraged to visit the different shrines as normal. Our thanks to our ministers of the Eucharist and stewards who are on hand to help with the organisation of our safe celebration of the Eucharist each day.


It seems that our webcam is not connecting from the parish at the moment. It seems that our service provider has switched their home page and haven’t connected us via the parish website.

Until we get it sorted you can get to join us online for Mass by going to

www.churchmedia.tv and doing a search for Ballygall.

A link that might work is


Apologies and hopefully we will get it sorted ASAP.

Christmas Greetings to Family and Friends Abroad

Ballygall Abroad

If you would like to greet your family members who are living abroad for our Christmas Services, please leave their names, town / country in the Parish Office. 

We will welcome them through our internet broadcast on Christmas Eve / Christmas Day before each of our Masses begins.