Fr. Frank Reburn
We welcome Fr. Frank Reburn as Co-PP to the parishes of the Glasnevin Grouping. Fr. Frank will be based in our neighbouring parish of Our Lady of Victories, Ballymun Road. Having previously ministered in the Malahide parish of Yellow Walls, Fr. Frank will take up his new appointment from the beginning of September.
Griffith Close & Heights – Memorial Service August 2017
A number of the neighbours gathered on Saturday 5th August 2017 to remember those who died over recent times in the Griffith area, in particular on Griffith Close and Griffith Heights.
A tree was planted and the names of those who died were inscribed on memorial stones. Fr Joseph was invited to bless the memorial tree and bless the houses in the locality. After prayers people chatted and even a bottle or two of vino appeared and “vanished”.
Over the years there have been different deaths, tragic, sudden, after long/short illnesses. In each case families are left behind to carry on. To have a special place to remember and say a little prayer can be of great consolation.
This memorial space brings a sense of community and no one is alone. We all have neighbours and are together in our grief and joys too.
Some of those who gathered at the corner of Griffith Close for the blessing ceremony. Thanks to those who organised the event and may the memories be a source of strength and blessing to all who are grieving at this time.
13th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Reflection
First Friday 7th July
Next Friday is the First Friday of July, when we pray for all the faithful departed at both 7.25 and 10 o’clock Mass. If you know someone who is house bound and would like Holy Communion brought to them please leave in their name, address and phone number into the sacristy/office during the week.
World Meeting of Families 2018
Information evenings will be held in Clonliffe college 27th /28th June for representatives of parishes who are interested now in preparing for the World Meeting of Families 2018. These meetings will give a detailed outline of the resources available and a chance for parishes to think about what they might like to do after summer in preparation for this great event. If you are free and interested contact us in the sacristy or parish office for more information.
Summer Solstice – Dawn Mass – Our Lady of Victories Church
6.30am Wednesday 21st June 2017
There will be a special Dawn mass in OLV at 6.30 am Wednesday 21st June to celebrate and thank God for the gift of life and all creation. Fr Paul Hampson will be the celebrant. (Tea and toast afterwards)
All are welcome to celebrate and join in the festivities organised by the Liturgy Group in Our Lady of Victories Church, Ballymun Road.
Corpus Christi Reflection
Do This In Memory – Final Mass of the Year
The Do This In Memory Programme concludes this Sunday, Corpus Christi Sunday, (10.30 Mass Family Mass). Children who received their First Holy Communion this year, and their families, are especially invited to celebrate this Mass with us.
Reminder. All parents/guardians please note that children must be accompanied by an adult when using the toilet facilities in the Church.
Congrats to St Michael’s House
Congratulations to the boys and girls from St Michael’s House who received their First Holy Communion recently. Kim, Katie, Dionne, Brody, Rocco, Kim, Christo and our own Morgan celebrated a special mass with their families and friends here in Ballygall. The boys from Sacred Heart school added to the occasion with their music. A special thank you to the staff and all associated with St. Michael’s House for their preparation.