August update on Church movement

It seems that things are going to be the same in church for the short term if not even longer. Well done to all who are helping make church attendance possible. We can keep our 98 capacity comfortably seated at mass on weekdays (10am) and Saturday vigil (6.30pm) and Sunday morning (10am only). This is workable as we have the church divided into two halves. Those who enter on the left, stay on the left and exit on the left and the same for those on the right-hand side. To keep the 4 metres separation those sitting at the main aisle are reminded of sitting not at the edge of the seat but in one metre from the edge (behind the yellow poster).

For funerals in line with government regulations we are still only permitted to have 50 present as we are using the one door to enter and exit. Non family members if attending are reminded to remain outside and while keeping the socially required distance of 2 metres can join via the loudspeaker or continue to view via webcam.

For all who enter the church the requirements are to sanitise one’s hands both entering and leaving the church. Gloves are not advisable as these are not a protection for others in the church. Face coverings/masks are strongly recommended though not obligatory unless moving closer than the 2 metres required. Most people in church are wearing coverings. When preparing to receive Holy Communion you are reminded of the procedure of removing the coverings. Slip off one ear and leave the face mask hang rather than pulling it down your chin. This helps prevent any contamination. After receiving Holy Communion you can slip back on the mask over the ear again for safety.  At the weekend masses, missalettes are given out. You are encouraged to bring these away as we are not allowed to reuse them. On the way out from Mass newsletters are available to be taken away.

Ballygall parish is doing well and we thank you for your support and patience as we journey together to keep our celebrations safe and prayerful.