All Saint’s Day (Nov 1st)

Just a reminder that masses for the holy day are:

Wednesday (vigil Mass) – 6.30 pm

Thursday (1st Nov) – 7.25am & 10.00am

{All soul’s day, Friday, 2nd Nov mass times 7.25 & 10 am. With special mass to remember those who have died over the past year at 7.30pm}

November Mass in remembrance of those who died Oct 2017 – Sept 2018

Our annual Mass in remembrance of those who have died over the past year will be celebrated on Friday 2nd November @ 7.30pm. At this mass those who have died during the 12 month period October 2017 – September 2018 will be remembered by name. Families will be invited to light a candle in memory of their loved ones before the altar.

Refreshments will be served afterwards. 

Welcome to our Ethiopian visitors

A very warm Ballygall welcome to our visitors from Ethiopia. They have safely arrived are immersed in a varied programme of activities organised by the Glasnevin Grouping.