Glasnevin Grouping goes to Clonmacnoise

We had a great pilgrimage trip to Clonmacnoise today Saturday 7th October. People from the 5 parishes of Glasnevin, Iona Road, Ballymun Road, Corpus Christi and Ballygall joined together as part of the grouping together. it was a great day. Trish from Iona Rd with our own Breda O’Doherty organised a great trip. Bus to Athlone, Boat trip up the Shannon to Clonmacnoise. Beautiful scones on the boat. Then a guided tour followed by a prayerful “Station” walk. Led by Breda from here, also Mary O Luanaigh from Glasnevin, Marie Cronin & Angela Moloney from OLV, Joe Peelo from Corpus Christi and Des Sutton representing Iona Rd. We reflected on St Ciaran and the monastic life there with reference to events in our church of today. We remembered all those at home especially those unable to be with us from the Group.

The afternoon finished of with a lovely bowl of soup and sandwich to keep us going for the journey home refreshed both in body and spirit.

Well done to all who took part and especially to those who organised the trip.

Can’t wait for the next one.


First Friday

Friday 6th October is the First Friday of the month.

At 7.25 & 10 Mass we will be remembering our beloved dead in a special way.

It is also a day when the priests try and visit those who are housebound and unable to get to church. If you know someone who is unable to get to Mass and would like to receive Holy Communion please leave their name, address and a contact number in to the Parish Office (8369291) during the week.

Mass for Healing – 3pm, Sun 15th Oct – Ballygall

A Special Mass with Anointing of the Sick will take place in Our Mother of Divine Grace Church on Sunday 15th October at 3.00pm.

We welcome all to this Mass. A special welcome to those who are asking for prayers for healing and to those who are sick and housebound. Families are invited to come along with perhaps an elderly granny or grandad who may not be able to get to the church due to infirmity or old age.

Transport can be arranged if needed. Please leave the name, address and contact number before Wednesday 11th October in the office. Refreshments will be served in the church immediately after the Mass.