Palm Sunday
Vigil Mass Saturday 6.30pm, Sunday 10.00am & 11.30am
As we begin holy week with the joyful welcome of Palm Sunday we are invited to bring home blessed palm as a reminder of the welcome we give Our Lord into our hearts.
On Wednesday we celebrate the Lord’s mercy and forgiveness with our Penance Service with the Franciscans at 7.30pm. This helps us prepare for the Easter Triduum, one long celebration from Thursday through to Saturday.
On Holy Thursday we celebrate the institution of the Eucharist at 7.30pm.
On Good Friday we listen to the passion of Jesus and venerate the cross at 3pm.
Also, on Good Friday a day of fast and abstinence, here in Ballygall we will have the Stations of the Cross at 7 30pm. As a grouping of parishes we will have an outdoor way of the cross beginning in The Margaret Aylward centre at 12 noon.
The Triduum concludes with the Mass of the Resurrection on Holy Saturday at 8.30pm.
We invite you to all or some of these celebrations as they form the centre of our faith journey.
Easter Sunday Masses at 10.00am and 11.30 am.