A huge thank you to all those who are donating online towards the ongoing maintenance of our parish. In these difficult times it is great to see people supporting the parish. Keep up the good work!
People are leaving in Family Offering envelopes to the church via the presbyteries and that is appreciated too. Thanks to those who are leaving in envelopes marked out for the “Common Fund” which goes towards the support of the clergy and the “Share Fund” which is supporting the work of the diocese. (Both of these are the normal collections taken up during Mass). The diocese has issued us with envelopes for both Sunday collections. (Common Fund & Share). These can be left in the normal way though the presbytery on St. Canice’s Road or directly to the church shop post box.
Some people are leaving in donations for “Trocaire” which are feeling the bite in these difficult times. St Vincent de Paul donations can also be left in and these will be forwarded in due course to our local conference. They will be needing your support in the near and distant future. Please mark out each donations and they will go to their respective destinations in due course.
Thank you for your support.
Frs. Joseph Ryan/Harry Gaynor