Palm Sunday – Sat vigil Mass 6.30

Our parish webcam is certainly being used at the moment with the outbreak of COVID – 19. Our thanks to you for your patience when sometimes the sound plays up or the video does its own twirly thing. One of the drawbacks of a lot of usage!

For our Palm Sunday vigil Mass we are suggesting that you might have some branches from your own garden or someone else’s garden within 2km of home and their permission and either display it in your window or use it for viewing the mass on Saturday evening at 6.30pm. Remember, it doesn’t have to be palm. In the gospel the people cut branches and placed their cloaks on the road where Jesus was passing. Perhaps a poster in the front window drawn by the children would be a way of including them in the preparation for Holy Week. It certainly will be a week to remember in days and years to come.

Let’s make this Palm Sunday a day to sing Hosanna in the Highest.