Saturday 11th February is the feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes. This will be the 25th anniversary of “World Day of the Sick”. In Dublin to mark the Day there will be two different events.
On Saturday a conference hosted by the Dublin Diocesan World Day of the Sick Committee takes place in the Marine Hotel, Sutton – its theme: Christ the Healer – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. This event needs to be rebooked. For details see
On Sunday 12th February, at 3pm in St Gabriels Church, Dollymount, the annual Mass of Healing and Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin. All are welcome.
Next weekend gives us in Ballygall an opportunity to think about those whom we know who are sick or frail in any way.
We invite you to write the names of your loved one on our petition sheets and place in the box provided. These petitions will be brought to Lourdes and placed at the Grotto for Our Lady’s Feast day, 11th February.
Please take a bookmark home to the person you are praying for reminding them that their intentions are being prayed for in our parish, the Diocesan Mass for the sick and at the Grotto in Lourdes.
We also remember next weekend those who care for the sick at home and in hospital. We have a short prayer available for anyone who is looking after a loved one.
The Parish Pastoral Council hope that next weekend , those who are ill and unable to attend Mass, will feel the support of a faith community who are praying for them.
As you know by now there is live internet streaming from Ballygall church. This is of special significance to those who are unable to join us for Sunday Mass. This can be accessed via