St. Brigid
One of our national saints along with St Patrick and St Colmcille is celebrated on Thursday, 1st Feb. As an Irish saint we owe a lot to her for her example and leadership in the Irish Church. The custom of the St Brigid’s Cross made out of rushes is a reminder that to make Christ known we can use simple everyday items to point to something greater.
Presentation Of the Lord (Candlemas Day)
On this day there is a great tradition of getting a candle blessed and keeping it in the homes for prayer and in the event of sickness or death having one to hand. Some of these candles are used on the feast of St Blaise for the “Blessing of the throat”.
St Blaise –Saturday 3rd February
” Through the intercession of St Blaise, bishop and martyr, may the Lord deliver you from all ailments of the throat and every other illness” is the traditional prayer of blessing using the candles blessed from the day before. Throats will be blessed after the 10.00am mass on Saturday morning