The schools, the parents and the parish join together in the preparation of the children for the first Eucharist. The parish this year 2023/24 is organising “Grow in Love”, a parish-based preparation programme for all children, linked to the school programme, who are preparing for the First Eucharist each year, whether they attend our parish schools or not. The children and their parents attend this programme at the 10.00am Eucharist on one Sunday each month throughout the year. A group of volunteer parents help organise the liturgy each Sunday and encourage active participation by the children and families. A member of the parish team is a regular visitor to the First Communion classes in our parish schools.
Contact: The Parish Office
** Important Dates **
The Grow in Love programme is a helpful aid to parents and children preparing for the sacraments in Ballygall. More anon…..
Volunteers are always welcome to help out with the monthly Programme, which begins normally on a Sunday in early October at 10.00am Mass. The Family Mass now is celebrated at 10.00am.
Communion Dates have been confirmed for 27th April 2024 for Sacred Heart pupils and 25th May 2024 for Mother of Divine Grace pupils. The First Holy Communion Masses has been celebrated at 12.00 to give ample time to prepare for a dignified celebration with family and friends.
Wishing the boys and girls and their families God’s blessing over the year in their preparations to become more part of the Christian community in Ballygall and further afield.