The sacrament of the Sick may be celebrated in two ways in our Parish, individually and collectively. Anointing with blessed oil and prayers by a priest can give comforting grace and bring Christ to the seriously ill or dying. The priests of the parish are happy to attend a sick person on request. This is normally associated with the First Friday Visits in the parish. Anyone who would like to be anointed or would like a First Friday call is invited to leave name, address and a contact number in the parish office between 9am and 1pm.
Communally we celebrate this sacrament with our Annual Mass for the Sick, with those who are in need are brought for Mass and healing. All are invited, either to pray with and for their sick, or to receive the healing of the sacrament.
***Important Dates***
The annual Diocesan Mass with anointing generally takes place around 11th February the feast of our Lady of Lourdes.