Parish Pastoral Councils have played a very central role in running of parishes over the past number of years.
What is a parish pastoral council (PPC)?
It is a steering group comprising of the priests of the parish with a number of parishioners, men and women working together to listen to the needs of the parishioners with a purpose of growth of faith. It looks and reflects on the parish and what is needed to create a life giving and vibrant faith community with its diversity and needs in today’s world. It is called to find the right people with the gifts and talents that can bring this about.
Here in Ballygall, the Parish Pastoral Council also engages with the Glasnevin Grouping of Parishes to work out a way forward in a changing world where church is often left on the margins. The Parish Pastoral Council is always seeking to reach out with the Gospel message of God’s love and welcome to everyone. Ballygall has always been blessed with many good volunteers, so this weekend we are asking you to reflect and nominate new members for the next term of PPC.
Some qualities these people might have?
They must be a person whose faith is important to them. Have a sense and value of prayer in their life Be willing to learn and be open to people of different views. Be easy to work with as part of a team. Have a love of parish and a belief in the value of building a faith community where all are welcome.
What is the commitment?
The term of office is usually three years with a monthly meeting except in July and August. An ideal Parish Pastoral Council would have a cross section of ages of people and of cultures reflecting life in Ballygall. If you would like to nominate yourself, please feel free to or ask someone to nominate you. If you would like to nominate someone else you might get their permission first.