Family Mass Group is seeking new members from age 5 up. New adult organisers would also be welcome. Contact Orla Duggan, Lisa Jensen or Paul Jensen,  

In October 2022 we celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation for the boys and girls from our local schools. They were the class of 2021. Congratulations to those who were confirmed after such a long wait and postponements due to COVID-19.

Many thanks to their teachers and all those who have helped the children/young adults along a difficult and anxious time to this special day. May we all be aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit in a particular way in our parish at this time.




Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”( Matthew 19:14)


(Children please do this with your Parents)

This page is for the children and parent of our parish to visit and pray in an interesting and fun way. For the foreseeable future you will find activities and prayers on the gospel stories and seasonal themes.

Sunday Nov 29th First Week of Advent.

This Sunday is the first week of Advent and we have an Advent activity sheet for you. You can download it here.

Childrens Newsletter

The Look newsletter is also available at the front porch for collection. Perhaps is your  children would like to colour in the picture and email it back to us at we will display it in the church. We would like to hear from you if you have any suggestions for additional children’s resources, please use the above  email address. 

The Family Mass group is dedicated to encouraging children’s participation in the celebration of the Mass and supporting them in their faith development as they learn about Jesus’ message of love for all.  They work together to create a welcoming and prayerful atmosphere where all can feel a real part of the community of faith. The children look forward to the Mass for a variety of reasons. They can meet other children, participate themselves and understand what is going on.


If you are interested in finding out more please talk to any member of the Family Mass group after 10.00 a.m. Mass or contact the parish Office (01) 836 9291