Divine Mercy Sunday devotion, very dear to Pope John Paul’s heart, derives from revelations made to a young Polish nun, Sr. Faustina on February 22nd 1931. It revolves around the Sacred Heart and the rays emanating from the heart in the image signifies the streams of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness associated with God as a God of love and understanding and not the stern judgemental image of God, which was so much part of past religious thinking. Sr Faustina was beatified on April 18th 1993 and was canonised as a Saint of the Church on 30th April 2000. Since then Pope John Paul requested that on the Second Sunday of Easter we would celebrate ‘Divine Mercy Sunday’.
On this Feast of Mercy, we pray that our vision may be brightened. Let us acknowledge our doubts and fears, which deny our transformation. ‘Doubt no longer but believe’ is the anthem of this mercy. Leave the tombs of failure, fear and doubt and walk free in glory. Here in Ballygall we will have special prayers during the 10.00am Mass to mark this great feast.
When Jesus appeared to St. Faustina he invited her to spread the message of His Divine Mercy to the world. He gave her the Divine Mercy Novena, which started on Good Friday and lasts for 9 days, leading up to Divine Mercy Sunday.
Full details here