Since last weekend we have been informed that we can now safely welcome up to 100 people in Ballygall church for Masses. This means that people will be able to sit in family groups as normal but we can facilitate more in the church keeping the 2 metres social distance requirement. Each row can take from 3 to 5 people/family groups depending on the size of the row. We are keeping the idea of ‘filling from the front’ and working towards the back of the church. For the duration of Mass people are encouraged to take and remain in their places.

At the weekend Masses (Saturday vigil 6.30 and Sunday 10.00 a.m.) up to 100 will be accommodated comfortably in the church. This will mean that not everyone will be able to attend each weekend. Perhaps coming every few weeks or coming during the week to the 10.00 a.m. morning Mass instead.

Stewards are on hand to enable as many as possible will be able to be physically present. When our quota is filled people can remain outside and join through the loudspeaker which will convey the mass to them. Holy Communion will be brought to those outside as well as those inside. You are asked to remain in your place throughout.

Thank you for your patience in these different times.

The Web Cam is back and people can join us online as usual.

We will continue with 10.00 a.m. Mass daily. We will also have Mass at 6.30 p.m. on Saturday evening and 10.00 a.m. Mass Sunday morning.  For the immediate future both the 7.25 a.m. weekly Mass and 11.30 a.m. Sunday Mass will not take place but we strongly hope to re-introduce these as soon as we can.

On arrival….

  • Church doors (Front only) will be open 15-20 minutes before commencement of Mass. 9.40 a.m. each day and 6.15 p.m. Saturdays.
  • Please note that access to the sacristy and office is not permitted at this time. Toilet facilities are also unavailable for the foreseeable future.
  • People will be permitted to come into the church using the main doors (Front) as you have been doing for the past few weeks. Exit will be through the doors (back) left and right of the altar.
  • Hand sanitiser is available on the way in and on the way out. However, if you opt to use your own that is well recommended. If wearing gloves, a fresh pair to be put on after sanitising your hands.
  • Face coverings is strongly recommended at all times in the church, Holy Communion is to be received on the hand only. The sign of peace is not permitted during the Mass.

Once inside

  • You will be guided to your place, along by the walls, following the arrows. This is to ensure that we adhere to a one-way system, which is recommended by both church and state.
  • Access will take time and queuing may occur, we ask you to please observe the 2m. distance when queueing. Your patience will be appreciated and people will not be able to sit in their favourite places for the moment.
  • Stewards will also be on hand to guide you to your seat, filling from the front to the back of the church. Each seat can accommodate from 3 to 5 people depending on where it is located. To achieve maximum numbers your support is essential by moving to the position assigned to you.
  • When the recommended number has entered the church, people who would like to join our mass, can remain outside to hear it over our loud speakers.
  • For Holy communion the priest or minister will go through the church bringing Holy Communion. They will also bring Holy Communion to those who may have opted to stay outside the church.
  • Collection bags will be brought by the stewards through the church and outside at weekend masses
  • Once Mass is over people are encouraged to leave row by row starting with the front seats. This speedy exit can facilitate the cleaning of the church, which is required after each Mass. (The main doors will not be used to exit in line with legislation). We will ask you to refrain from lighting candles etc at this time, the church will be re-opened for private prayer, once cleaned.

Other Updates 

  • If you opt to come during the week you may wish to donate to the first and second collections by using the envelopes provided and either placing them in the donation box or in the post box at the church shop. The shrine boxes support the Parish.
  • Mass cards and other shop items can be purchased through the office during the week by way of a “a click and collect” style service, please phone in your order, which we will prepare for you and have ready for collection on whatever day you decide to come to mass that week.


    We are all in this together and we will all work together to make sure that your return to Mass is a special one.
