This Christmas slide show features the modern Christmas version of 1 Corinthians 13. A prayer service to accompany this video can be downloaded at:
Advent Reconciliation Service
In publishing and graphic design, lorem ipsum (derived from Latin dolorem ipsum, translated as “pain itself”) is a filler text Continue reading Advent Reconciliation Service
Childrens Advent Quiz and Crib competition
On each of the next four Sundays of Advent, at our Family Mass, the children will remind us through drama, prayer and song of the journey Mary and Joseph made to Bethlehem.
Ballygall Parish Pastoral Council
We are delighted that Breda O’Doherty has kindly accepted the invitation to be Chairperson of our PPC.
Many thanks to Marie Cunningham for her dedicated years as former chairperson.
The PPC would welcome your suggestions and comments on Parish life in Ballygall. Please see suggestion forms in all the porches for completion and return to the parish office.
Invitation to all Ministers
You are invited to attend a special evening for all Ministries in the Church on Tuesday 22nd November at 7.30 p.m. Father Damian McNeice has very kindly agreed to talk to us about the importance of our ministries.
Eithne Merrins and Betty Tunstead look forward to meeting you on the 22nd and share some refreshments with you afterwards.
Do This In Memory – 20 November
Sunday 20th November 10.30 Mass. This is for all boys and girls going to receive their First Holy Communion in 2017.
Franciscans Annual Healing Service

The Franciscans will be in Ballygall on Wednesday Dec 21st at 7.30 for our annual healing service. Save the date.
Monthly Collection for St. Vincent de Paul

The monthly collection for St. Vincent de Paul takes place after all Masses next weekend 12-13 November
Ballygall Active Retirement
Keep Fit for Members Thursday 10th November 3.15pm to 4.15pm Fr. Maloney Centre, Drapier Road, Dublin 11.
Suggestion Box

The PPC would welcome your suggestions and comments on Parish life in Ballygall. Please see suggestion forms in all the porches for completion and return to the parish office, alternatively fill in the following form.
[contact-form][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″ /][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″ /][contact-field label=”Comment” type=”textarea” required=”1″ /][/contact-form]