Trinity Sunday Mass

Broadcast from Ballygall

RTE will broadcast Mass from Ballygall church this Sunday afternoon at 2.15 p.m. on the RTE News channel. Archbishop Dermot Farrell will be celebrant at this Mass and some parishioners will be present. As it is a broadcast Mass numbers will be limited and the church will be closed for the duration of the Mass. In order for the team from “icatholic” who are responsible for its broadcast to prepare, the church will be closed from 1.30 until 3.30 p.m. approx. You are welcome to join us hopefully online or by tuning in to the RTE News Channel directly.

The church will be open after 10am Mass until 1.30pm approx. and after the televised Mass for private prayer until late Sunday evening.

Our normal Weekend Masses will be 6.30 p.m. on Saturday evening and 10 a.m. on Sunday morning.