Church reopens for Mass

Church reopens from Monday 10th May for 10.00 a.m. Mass.

At last, the day has arrived that we can finally open our doors to you so we can celebrate Mass together.

We will be maintaining and operating the system that we had last summer, i.e. two pods of 50, using only the main two aisles and separate exits. We ask you to please be patient with all our volunteers and also, if you have any cold like symptoms that you stay at home for the moment.

A few things to remember: –

Wash hands before coming to church.

Sanitise on way in and way out.

Wash hands when home after church.

Face coverings must be worn unless you have a medical reason not to.

To receive Holy Communion:

Slip mask off one ear, leave hanging on the other ear, receive Holy Communion, then replace your mask.

Follow instructions from stewards

Enter via main doors at the front of the church.

Exit once mass is over via side doors (Near altar)

Remain in your place during Mass.

Collection bags & Holy Communion will be brought to you.

Sunday obligation to attend Mass does not apply for the moment. You may come during the week instead of Sunday.

In order to facilitate the cleaning of the church after Mass, the church will close briefly but will then remain open until 7.00 p.m. approx. for private prayer.

Toilets, Shop & Sacristy – Out of Bounds for the moment.

2021 Guidelines for Volunteers

Volunteer Rosters (password protected)