Family Mass Update 12th March 2017

Second Sunday of Lent 2017


Matthew 17 1-13

This week in our gospel story we heard God the Father asking us to ‘Listen to his son, Jesus. It is not easy to listen. There are many distractions in our everyday lives. But this week at the family Mass we had a wonderful simple and fruitful dramatisation of the bible story ‘The Transfiguration of Jesus’ to help us focus and listen to the Word of God. Listening to the word of God reminds us that Jesus was a good person, someone who loved all and who did many ‘acts of love.’ As we took an act of love for Jesus at the end of Mass and placed a symbol of the fish at the base of the cross we know that he will help us to do our best as we pray this week

      Dear Jesus, help us this week

to make time to be quiet and to pray.

Help us to really listen this week.

May our act of love help us change

and remember that you love us

and are always there to help us. Amen.

Family Mass update 5th March 2017

First Sunday of Lent 2017

Gospel story; ‘Jesus in the Desert’ Matthew 4: 1-11

We had a very good start to Lent this year.  The children were well prepared from the practice on Thursday.  They all read clearly and with reverence. The choir were in fine voice and sang their hearts out. Susan spoke from the heart, giving her insights on Lent touching everyone in the congregation, while Orla’s Newsletter captured our aspirations for Lent. It was thoughtfully and beautifully presented. After Mass, children took an ‘act of love for Jesus’ and enthusiastically took on work with the Lenten calender.  All went home well nourished on the word of God and ready for the week ahead.

            Our prayer for this week is

Dear Jesus, Help us to be still and quiet this week

And to take time to listen to what God is saying to us.

Help us when we are tempted

to trust you that we will do the right thing

And grow in friendship with all. Amen.

Finance Update

The Finance Committee will present an update of the parish finances at all Masses this weekend. If you would like to contribute to the family offering collection either by standing order or envelope, members of the finance committee and PPC will be available after each Mass (in the front porch) to take your details.
There are still some family offering envelope boxes to be delivered to Griffith Road, Griffith Drive, Griffith Parade, Tolka Estate and Ballygall Road East. Your help would be appreciated.

Lenten Talks

Fr. Kieran O’Mahony, will hold a series of Lenten talks on the Old Testament Prophets, each Monday @ 7.30pm from Feb 27, in Margaret Aylward Centre.

  • Prophets now and prophets then (Monday 27 Feb)
  • Reading a prophet for living today (Monday 6 March)
  • Hosea: justice and love (Monday 13 March)
  • Jeremiah: the great spiritual master (Monday 27 March)
  • Isaiah: the suffering servant songs (Monday 3 April).